Share moments with close friends

How many of your social media "friends" are your real friends? Mitr helps you share and see updates from your close friends while keeping out all the noise from brands, influencers and people you hardly know

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Be your own self!

Instead of scrolling through an endless feed from brands and influencers, see and share authentic content from a few trusted friends and family you know in real life.

  • Close friends

    Mitr is not a place where you aimlessly add more and more "friends" to your list. Add only 30 close friends who you can share your moments with.

  • Moodometer

    Mood-o-meter helps you share the joy when you are feeling good, and seek help from your close friends when you need someone to cheer you up.

  • Be authentic

    Share without any inhibitions, share both the good and bad moments of your life with the people who matter. Our aim is to kill social media fakeness.

Your privacy matters!

Instead of relying on complicated privacy settings, Mitr has privacy by design. Apart from your name, no other personal details like Gender, Age are asked from you. This ensures that your data is safe from being misused by commercial and other interests.

Privacy illustrator


Feeling low and want a true friend to connect with you? Mood-o-meter lets you share your current mood with friends of your choice.

Moodometer Screenshot

Introducing "Moments"

Quickly share the little moments of your life with people who matter. Moments automatically disappear after some time, and you can set a timer for each moment.

Moodometer Screenshot

Sharing made easy!

Apart from sharing through photos or just penning down your thoughts in text, you can also share travel, book, movie, tv show or restaurant recommendations. We continue to add more sharing options to help you connect better with your close friends.

Moodometer Screenshot